A Gould’s Shortwing planning to join the AGM Zoom call…
OBC AGM 2023
The OBC invites all members to join us for the 38th Oriental Bird Club AGM. The AGM will be held as a Zoom meeting on August 26th, 2023.
You can pre-register now at https://birdlife.zoom.us/j/89876471950?pwd=UnlKcy9GSWZvUGJTUFZQRTlSRzZ4UT09
The agenda is as follows:
1. Apologies for absence
2. Approval of minutes of 37th Annual General Meeting
3. Matters arising
4. Treasurer's presentation of 2022 Accounts & review of 2023
5. Approval of 2022 Accounts
6. Election of Independent Examiner- Ian Barber M&A partners.
7. Chair’s review of 2022 and 2023 to date.
8. Election of 2023 Council
The following Council members have agreed to stand for re-election, Paul Insua Cao, Chris Gooddie, John Gregory, Tim Loseby,, Richard Thomas. Ding Li Yong, Russell Childs, Sayam Chowdhury, Billy Rodger, Vivian Fu, Richard Webb
The following have agreed to stand for re-election as executive officers:
Chris Gooddie – Chairman. John Gregory – Treasurer, Russell Childs -Secretary
9. Any other business
Here’s the important documents for the meeting: