eBay sales — Oriental Bird Club

IMPORTANT: legislation introduced from 1st July 2021 means that goods imported into the EU from a non-EU country below a value of EUR22 are no longer exempt from import VAT. Please be aware that you may be charged for delivery of any sales items (including membership publications) if you reside within the EU.


IMPORTANT INFORMATION: legislation introduced in July 2021 means that goods imported into the EU from a non-EU country below a value of EUR22 are no longer exempt from import VAT.

Consequently sales of more recent printed back issues of OBC publications, leech socks, pin badges, T-shirts and caps now take place via eBay. Details of these products and how to order them can be found below.

For sales of BirdingAsia Nos 1 to 30 (2004 to 2018), please submit your requirements to sales@orientalbirdclub.org to receive an individual quote, which will include postage 'at cost'. Discounts will be available for large orders.

If you prefer not to purchase online, you can contact OBC at mail@orientalbirdclub.org for details of how to order. Prices and availability are subject to occasional change without notice. The profits from sales are used to further the charitable objectives of the Oriental Bird Club.

OBC T-shirts


Available in olive (Medium/Large/Extra Large) and tan (Extra Large only).
HURRY—Limited stocks remaining!

To order: Go to the eBay website for your country. In the 'Search' box, put "Oriental Bird Club T-Shirt". Check that you are on the official OBC page. You will see the T-Shirts with the price in local currency, including any applicable taxes (e.g. VAT in EU countries, sales tax in USA). The postage charge will vary depending on the destination country.



Adjustable—one size fits all!

To order: Go to the eBay website for your country. In the 'Search' box, put "Oriental Bird Club Caps". Check that you are on the official OBC page. You will see the OBC Caps with the price in local currency, including any applicable taxes (e.g. VAT in EU countries, sales tax in USA). The postage charge will vary depending on the destination country.

OBC leech socks

The famous OBC leech socks are back!

Made from 100% close-woven cotton UK Price: £14.99 + P&P

To order: Go to the Ebay website for your country. In the 'Search' box, put "Oriental Bird Club Leech Socks". Check that you are on the official OBC page. You will see the leech socks with the price in local currency, including any applicable taxes (e.g. VAT in EU countries, sales tax in USA). The postage charge will vary depending on the destination country.

Blue Pitta Badge

HurrY: only A few left!

Limited edition collectors’ pin badges
UK Price £8.99 + P&P

To order: Go to the Ebay website for your country. In the 'Search' box, put "Oriental Bird Club Blue Pitta Pin Badge". Check that you are on the official OBC page. You will see the badge with the price in local currency, including any applicable taxes (e.g. VAT in EU countries, sales tax in USA). The postage charge will vary depending on the destination country.

Hornbill pin badge

The original OBC pin

Show the world you’re a member of OBC
UK Price £8.99 + P&P

To order: Go to the Ebay website for your country. In the 'Search' box, put "Oriental Bird Club Rhinoceros Hornbill Pin Badge". Check that you are on the official OBC page. You will see the badge with the price in local currency, including any applicable taxes (e.g. VAT in EU countries, sales tax in USA). The postage charge will vary depending on the destination country.

BirdingASIA back issues

BirdingASIAs 31 onwards (2019 and later) are available via eBay.
UK Price £8.00 per copy + P&P

To order: Go to the Ebay website for your country. In the 'Search' box, put "Oriental Bird Club Birding Asia Magazine". Select which copies you want from the drop-down menu. You will see the price in local currency, including any applicable taxes (e.g. VAT in EU countries, sales tax in USA). The postage charge will vary depending on the destination country.