Conservation Grants — Oriental Bird Club

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Chinese Crested Terns © Pete Morris / Birdquest

OBC Conservation Fund


A video-grab from the first ever footage in the wild of a Black-browed Babbler Malacocincla perspicillata. Video by Panji Gusti Akbar taken during a project supported by OBC. News of the species’s sensational rediscovery in 2020, after a gap in sightings for 170 years, was published by the OBC in BirdingAsia 34.

The Oriental Bird Club supports conservation work in the Oriental region by funding projects which encourage an interest in wild birds and their conservation and support research and conservation of threatened birds.

Through the generous support of members, corporate sponsors and other donors, OBC has now supported hundreds of projects throughout Asia. Over £600,000 has been invested in conservation in the region since 1984.

Project reports can be found here.

Summaries of all completed projects are published in BirdingAsia. Grantees are also encouraged to publish full articles in BirdingASIA or The Journal of Asian Ornithology (formerly known as Forktail).


The OBC Conservation Fund prioritises project that promote bird conservation and research in the region, particularly those that meet one or more of the following priorities:

  • Bird species which are Critically Endangered and Endangered

  • Migratory shorebirds

  • Birds threatened by trade (especially songbirds)

  • Surveys to better understand the status, threats and conservation needs of poorly known threatened bird species

  • Research that helps identify causes of bird declines and helps identify actions to reverse those declines

  • Projects delivering direct in-situ bird conservation on the ground, especially those that involve local communities

  • Supporting discrete components of formally recognised species conservation action plans

  • Public engagement in appreciating wild birds and nature, especially in urban areas.

  • NGOs or individuals from the country where the project takes place

Geographic scope:

  • Pakistan in the west through India and south-east Asia

  • the eastern boundary of Wallacea (Lydekker's Line)

  • Mongolia, north-east Russia (E of 90°E) and Japan in the north

  • the Lesser Sundas and Christmas Island in the south

Special note regarding China: we are currently not funding new projects in China as we work to comply with Chinese legislation concerning foreign funding for NGOs and research.


OBC small grants are typically between £1,000 and £2,000. In exceptional cases, we will fund projects up to £3,000.

Projects would usually be expected to be completed within 12 months of receipt of funding.

Small grants are offered twice a year with deadlines for applications being 1st March and 1st September. Please note these new deadlines start from 1st September 2024.

To apply for funding complete the grant application form and send it to

Guidelines are included within the application form.

OBC will consider follow-up small grants for projects where there is a clear need and all reporting requirements of previous projects have been completed.


We thank all our members and support who have enabled us to run and fund the OBC’s Conservation Grant Programme. In particular the March Conservation Fund, which provides annual support to the OBC Conservation Fund. Occasionally individuals or companies sponsor projects directly, for which their support is acknowledged directly on the report and in BirdingASIA. If you would like to sponsor a project please contact The OBC is run entirely by volunteers so 100% of donations to our conservation fund go directly to projects in the region.

To donate to OBC please visit our donate page or consider leaving us a legacy in you will.

Bird surveying, Indonesia © Irfan Rosyadi/Yayasan Kanopi Indonesia

Bird surveying, Indonesia © Irfan Rosyadi/Yayasan Kanopi Indonesia