The seldom seen Relict Gull, one of the specialities we hope to find on the OBC-Rockjumper tour to Mongolia in 2014 (c) Jon Hornbuckle
OBC has teamed up with Rockjumper Worldwide Birding Adventures to offer members a unique chance to visit Mongolia from 24th May to 11th June 2014...a remote destination with some truly spectacular bird life on offer...
In the heart of remote Central Asia lies a country that conjures up images of nomadic horsemen striding across barren, wind-swept plains with the grand Altai Mountains rising up above the endless expanse of the Gobi Desert. This land is Mongolia, a country of fascinating legend and history; a picturesque and awe-inspiring land largely unchanged over the years, the heart of the once expansive Mongol Empire and a true wilderness!
Our Mongolia birding escapade offers the very special opportunity of venturing across the vast lake-covered steppes and through the verdant Taiga forest with the ever-present backdrop of the lofty Altai Mountains. We can look forward to superb birding in this gloriously scenic landscape with mouth-watering specialties such as Altai Snowcock, Relict Gull, Stejneger’s Scoter, Pallas’s Sandgrouse, Black Woodpecker, Amur and Saker Falcons, spectacular Wallcreeper, White-naped and Demoiselle Cranes, Kozlov’s Accentor, breeding flocks of Oriental Plover, Mongolian Lark, Siberian Rubythroat, Saxaul Sparrow, Hodgson’s Bushchat, Henderson’s Ground Jay and many more on offer. This really is a birding trip like few others and promises to be a most memorable adventure!