Forktail 6 (1991)
Forktail 6
Forktail is the Journal of Asian Ornithology published by Oriental Bird Club once a year and distributed to OBC members. In line with OBC Policy, papers are made freely available on the website three years after publication. Prior to this, these issues can be purchased as electronic downloads, or hard copies of most issues can be ordered from our online store.
Full papers
P. ALSTRÖM, U. OLSSON and P. D. ROUND. The taxonomic status of Acrocephalus agricola tangorum
B. KING and PENG JI TAI. Some bird observations in Ganzi prefecture of extreme north-west Sichuan province, China
P.R. HOLMES and B.J. HATCHWELL Notes on the ecology of the Little Bittern, Ixobrychus minutus, at Haigam Rakh, Kashmir, India
A. CHOUDHURY. Bird observations from Sibsagar District, Assam, India
D.G. DUFF, D.N. BAKEWELL and M.D. WILLIAMS. The Relict Gull, Larus relictus, in China and elsewhere
Short communications
ZHANG YUN-SUN, LIU CHANG-JIANG, TIAN LU and BU HE. Recent records of the Relict Gull, Larus relictus, in western Nei Mongol autonomous region, China
P.J. EWINS, P.D. ROUND and D.R. BAZELY. Urban roosting by Barn Swallows, Hirundo rustica, wintering in Thailand
T. MUNDKUR. Prey items of the Great Thick-knee, Esacus recurvirostris
R.A. NOSKE. Field identification and ecology of the Greater Goldenback, Chrysocolaptes lucidus, in Malaysia
I.R. HARTLEY and P.J.K. McGOWAN. Moult and biometrics in five birds endemic to Palawan, Philippines
C.F. MANN. Sunda Frogmouth, Batrachostomus cornutus, carrying its young
G. DUTSON, R. WILKINSON and B. SHELDON. Hook-billed Bulbul, Setornis criniger, and Grey-breasted Babbler, Malacopteron albogulare, at Barito Ulu, Kalimantan
P. JEPSON. The occurrence of Kesslers Thrush, Turdus kessleri, in Nepal
H.S. BARAL and J.C. EAMES. Jerdons Babbler, Moupinia altirostris: a new species for Nepal
S. GARDINER Mandarin Duck, Aix galericulata: a new species for Nepal
R. COOPER. Spotted Crake, Porzana porzana: a new species for Nepal
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