Forktail 18 (2002)
Forktail is the Journal of Asian Ornithology published by Oriental Bird Club once a year and distributed to OBC members. In line with OBC Policy, papers are made freely available on the website three years after publication. Prior to this, these issues can be purchased as electronic downloads, or hard copies of most issues can be ordered from our online store.
Full papers
J. C. ROBINSON-DEAN, K. R. WILLMOTT, M. J. CATTERALL, D. J. KELLY, A. WHITTINGTON, B. PHALAN, N. M. MARPLES and BOEADI. A new subspecies of Red-backed Thrush Zoothera erythronota kabaena subsp. nov. (Muscicapidae: Turdidae) from Kabaena island, Indonesia
J. W. DUCKWORTH, P. DAVIDSON, T. D. EVANS, P. D. ROUND and R. J. TIMMINS. Bird records from Laos, principally the Upper Lao/Thai Mekong and Xiangkhouang Province, in 1998-2000
ANDREW W. TORDOFF. Raptor migration at Hoang Lien Nature Reserve, northern Vietnam
COLIN R. TRAINOR. Birds of Gunung Tambora, Sumbawa, Indonesia: effects of altitude, the 1815 cataclysmic volcanic eruption and trade
B. ZETRA, A. RAFIASTANTO, W. M. ROMBANG and C. R. TRAINOR. Rediscovery of the Critically Endangered Sumatran Ground Cuckoo Carpococcyx viridis
JONATHAN C. EAMES, FRANK D. STEINHEIMER and ROS BANSOK. A collection of birds from the Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia, including a new subspecies of Arborophila cambodiana
DESMOND ALLEN. A bird survey of the Amarpur area of the Dibru-Saikhowa Biosphere Reserve, Assam, India
COLIN R. TRAINOR. The birds of Adonara, Lesser Sundas, Indonesia
GRAHAM TEBB and ANDREAS RANNER. New and significant bird records from Buryatia, Russia
ROBERT S. R. WILLIAMS. The rediscovery and doubtful validity of the Blue-wattled Bulbul Pycnonotus nieuwenhuisii
A. J. LONG and N. J. COLLAR. Distribution, status and natural history of the Bornean Ground Cuckoo Carpococcyx radiatus
N. J. COLLAR and S. VAN BALEN. The Blue-tailed Trogon Harpactes (Apalharpactes) reinwardtii: species limits and conservation status F. R. LAMBERT and N. J. COLLAR. The future for Sundaic lowland forest birds: long-term effects of commercial logging and fragmentation
Short notes
NIGEL CLEERE. The original citation of Jerdon’s Nightjar Caprimulgus atripennis (Caprimulgidae)
ANDREW W. TORDOFF. Ashy Wood Pigeon Columba pulchricollis: a new species for Vietnam
H.S.A. YAHYA and ASHFAQ AHMAD. White Tern Gygis alba sighted at Narcondam Island, Bay of Bengal, India
K. SIVAKUMAR and R. SANKARAN. New records of birds from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
ASHOK VERMA. A large roost of Eurasian Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus at Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, India
A. P. SINGH. New and significant records from Dehra Dun valley, lower Garhwal Himalayas, India
MARLYNN M. MENDOZA, GEORGE R. REYES and MEDARDO MEDEL EDUARTE. Rediscovery of Black-faced Spoonbill Platalea minor in the Philippines
J. W. K. PARR, P. J. BENSTEAD and J. A. TOBIAS. A first nest record for the Fruithunter Chlamydochaera jefferyi
PAUL N. NEWTON. Bird records from the Siang River valley, Arunachal Pradesh, India
PER UNDELAND and HARKIRAT SINGH SANGHA. Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos: a new species for the Indian subcontinent
MA MING and WANG QISHAN. New records of Corncrake Crex crex in Xinjiang, China
ROYKE MANATA. Observations at a nest of the Grey-headed Imperial Pigeon Ducula radiata
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