OBC Bulletin 36, December 2002: contents
The OBC Bulletin was published and distributed twice a year to OBC members. It was discontinued in 2004 and replaced with BirdingASIA. Hard copies of later issues of the OBC Bulletin can be ordered from our online store.
Letter from the Chairman
Little Known Oriental Bird: Aethopyga sunbirds on the Philippines Clive F. Mann
An Expedition to Damar Island, south-west Maluku, Indonesia Colin Trainor
Buryatia - Siberia's southernmost extremity Graham Tebb and Andreas Ranner
Effects of fragmentation and plantations on tropical rainforest birds in the southern Western Ghats, India T.R. Shankar Raman
Occurrence of enca-like crows on Sumba, Indonesia Tiziano Londei
Photospot: Blyth's Kingfisher Alcedo hercules John Holmes
Little Sumba Hawk Owl Ninox sumbaensis Jerry Olsen and S. Trost
Status of White-rumped Vulture, Gyps bengalensis in Rampur Valley, Nepal Nabin Baral and Ramji Gautam
Hume's Groundpecker Pseudopodoces humilis: the smallest corvid or the largest tit? Tiziano Londei
Wetlands: Korea's most-threatened habitat Nial Moores
Plus regular sections: Club News, Conservation Fund News, Around the Orient, To the editor, From the Field, Recently Published, Stray Feathers and Free Press.
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