OBC Bulletin 30, November 1999: contents

The OBC Bulletin was published and distributed twice a year to OBC members. It was discontinued in 2004 and replaced with BirdingASIA. Hard copies of later issues of the OBC Bulletin can be ordered from our online store.


Letter from the Chairman Nigel Collar Obituary: Bertram 'Bill' Smythies Belinda Wright Observations on dippers, including the sordidus morph of White-throated Dipper in Ladakh, India Otto Pfister Observations of nesting Yellow-throated Bulbuls M. Venkataswamappa and M.R. Chaitra

Asian Paradise-flycatcher Bulletin 30 cover (Michael O'Clery)

Nesting Green-billed Coucal Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne Discovery of a new monal from Arunchal Pradesh R. Suresh Kumar and Pratap Singh The identification of Chinese Egrets and Pacific Reef Egret Colin M. Poole, Jin-Young Park and Nial Moores Little-known Oriental bird: Chestnut-headed Partridge Colin M. Poole

Plus regular sections: Club News, Conservation Fund News, Around the Orient, To the editor, From the Field, Recently Published, Stray Feathers and Free Press.

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